Friday, December 4, 2009

New Research Question(s) and Measure(s)

In the SOTL Workshop held on Dec. 4th, 2009 we learned the following:

1) Our survey should include measures of how important the subjects feel creativity is to their work, e.g.,:

Ask the subjects to Agree or Disagree with statements that elicit a measure of how these students feel about studying or engaging in exercises about creativity.

For example:

Agree or Disagree

Film students should take classes about meaning in film.

Film students should study how other filmmakers approach issues of creativity.

2) Additional measures of creativity and self-assessment of imagination etc. exist.

For example, Joe Khatena and E. Paul Torrance have created scales known as the Khatena-Torrance Creative Perception Inventory (KTCPI) for self report on measures of creativity which can be accessed in two sub-tests:

A) Something About Myself (SAM) which measures artistic inclination, intelligence, individuality, sensitivity, initiative, and self-strength

B) What Kind of Person Are You? (WKOPAY) which measures imagination, appeal to authority, self-confidence, inquisitiveness, and awareness of others.

3) Learning Styles

Anthony Gregorc's "Style Delineator Approach" (which is in dispute) is based on studies into the functions of the left and right brain hemispheres. Gregorc's system of learning claims to take into account the different ways of perceiving and ordering information. Gregorc argues students either perceive things in methods that are concrete-oriented (from our physical senses) or abstract-oriented (from logical, deductive reasoning). Per Gregorc, ordering is making sense out of what we perceive. Ordering can either be sequential (organized, systematic) or random (unorganized).